Thank you for your support, dedication and love for all of your students and especially our daughter, Tyneshia Hobbs ❤️

Continuing classes online is providing the dancers with much needed opportunities to continue their passion, see their friends and teachers online and connect in a way that they miss and need so much right now. ❤️

We can’t thank you enough and look forward to in-studio class again when it’s safe to do so. Thank you ❤️ Carly Cohen, Sabrina Bhachu, Michelle Gisby Lauren O’Kell , Megan O’Grady, Alyssa Choroszewski, Chloe Choroszewski, Laura Choroszewski, Olivia Barbieri, Jessica Dow Pelzer, Sandi Licas, Kelsey O’Donnell, Ms. AJ , Heather Price  
Sarah Newton Sankovic and everyone else @ PSOD! ❤️

Lisa Brandt you have provided us with an amazing second family and we are very thankful ❤️

Stay safe, see you online and in class soon.